MTC July 16, 2010

Wow! It’s hard to believe that I have been here nearly a month already. I'm pretty sure the MTC has some kind of strange time warp going on because days can seem like years, but I swear it was yesterday that I wrote my last e-mail here on P-day. Let me think what has happened this week. One cool thing was that on Tuesday we had a devotional that was a special musical performance by the daughter of Dallin H. Oaks. She is a world renowned violinist who performs lots of spiritual music. I really loved the fireside. Also so this week my companions and I went three whole days speaking only Portuguese. It was actually pretty fun although we never knew what was going on! Our branch keeps getting bigger and bigger because all the Brazil Missionaries can't get their visas. Our branch has about 130 people and it is officially the largest branch in the entire church. Kind of cool, but also slightly annoying. I really appreciate the letters I am getting. It’s really nice to hear from home and about all the great things that are happening. Congratulations to Bryan for his mission call! Also tell Nils that it’s ok he didn't get his visa. We'll just Portuguese party in Provo. Also I've heard the food here is much better than the Sao Paulo MTC. To anyone named Chad the Burn "You need to get your call and then tell me so I don't die". Anyways. I am learning a lot about the Gospel and Portuguese. I am excited to get out into the field and teach! But also, the MTC is great. It was kind of funny this week because one of our teachers is gone this week hiking Mt. Rainier and so we have a sub. The only problem is that our sub doesn't speak Portuguese. Because this week my companions and I couldn't speak English, we had quite and entertaining time trying to communicate with him. We did teach him Tudo Bem (all's good), and Fubeca (slacker). It sounds a little ridiculous, but another teacher promised us if we would speak only Portuguese the Lord would help us learn the language faster. There is a couple here who are going on a mission to be workers in the Madrid temple. I was pretty excited to hear that and I told them about the Palmas and Dad going to Portugal. I also see lots of people here that I know! Both Roundys are here now and they are a sensation for being twins. One of my favorite activities besides teaching is playing hacky sack during gym time. Yeah, I'm getting pretty good. But more importantly, I am learning how to invite people unto Christ. I know without a doubt that this church is true and I love the Savior. I am so thankful that I could be here. I know the scriptures are the true way that God tells us what we need to do and I have come to love them! I promise I'll keep working hard to learn what I need to and be the best missionary I can. Sorry I don't have anything terribly specific this week, but heck, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast! I love you all and I know the Lord will bless you in your lives!
Ate` Logo!
Elder Markham

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