Cascavel May 14, 2012

Hello mommy oh mother of mine!
Once more, Happy Mother’s day! It was really great to talk with you as well. I didn´t really know all that much to say, but it was great just to see ya´ll.
So, here is what happened this week:
Last Monday was P-day and we had to leave early to go to Londrina for the leadership counsel. We pretty much just sat on the bus all day and got there about 9:30 at night. Cascavel is pretty far away! Tuesday we had the meeting and it was really great. We learned about Real growth and how to help our investigators gain a testimony through prayer and the Book of Mormon. We learned some great skills that are helping lots of people. I also had to give my last testimony at the counsel and that was super weird. President always has the people ending their mission give their testimony at zone conference or leadership counsel. After that we knocked some doors in Londrina and taught a few people.
The next day we got to go back to Cascavel with President in his HiLux which was pretty neat. ITs always fun to talk with President and Sister. We got back kind of late as well and helped a woman unload a bunch of bricks to her house and then taught a few of our investigators. There is a young kid named Vitor who is going to be baptized soon. Unfortunately he wasn´t baptized yet because his sister got really sick and went to the hospital so let’s pray for him. On Thursday we had interviews with President that lasted basically all day, but it was really good. Then on Friday President called at like 6:45 and told us that he was going to switch our area with the Sisters because their house had allergy problems and it was an area a little dangerous for sisters. So we spent all morning packing and running our stuff over to the new house and then at 3:00 I had to catch a bus to a small city called Palotina. The area has been open for about 2 weeks and the Elders had a baptismal interview marked for that night. I went there with E. C. Silva while E. Sepúlveda unpacked our stuff. We got there a little bit early and decided to visit a family that are strong members of the church and have two adoptive daughter named Lorrana and Yianca who weren´t members. They had been going to church for a long time, but didn’t have an answer yet. We went there and taught a little bit and then knelt and prayed with everybody. The spirit was very strong and they both felt an answer. We challenged them to come with us to the baptismal interview and they both passed and were baptized Saturday afternoon! A huge miracle! I don’t have any pictures because I had to get back on the bus before the baptism, but I´ll try to get some.
Saturday we had a meeting with bishop and found some great new people in our area.  There is a girl named Larissa who will probably be baptized this Saturday. We are pretty excited. Sunday church was great and I got to play piano in sacrament meeting which was fun. Then we went on divisions with Bishop and that kid named Willer that was with us when we were on the Skype. It was really fun. This week has just been really crazy! Thank goodness today is P-day. I will sleep a little bit. Thank you so much for the letter and the love and everything. I´m am excited to keep on working real hard these last 2 weeks. I hope I can do some good here.
I know this church is true. I know the priesthood has real power and the Holy Ghost can speak to us if we are worthy. I know Christ lives and that families can be together forever. 
I love you so much! Thank you for everything you have done for me and for the family!
Never give up! Never Surrender!
-Elder Iron Markham  

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