Hiya Momma!
Well, this week has been absolutely insane. This week Elder Stinocher and I worked a ton with the members and had some great results, including the baptism of Rafael! He is super awesome. His friend Carlos brought him to church last week and he really liked it. He felt like he needed to be a better example and help his family learn about Christ and help them come to church. He feels the spirit so strong and he is already preparing to serve a mission. He is such a super example to me of faith and trust in the Lord. I don´t know if I would have the courage to completely change my life like that in only one week. It really was a miracle!
We found a super awesome family as well that are friends of some really good members and also José and Claudia are doing really well! We have lots of people starting to keep the word of wisdom and the Lord is really blessing us and helping us to keep busy. I love the members here in the Ward Independência. They are absolutely terrific and help me see what it means to be a good member missionary. We are also teaching a really great family that went less-active a while ago. They have already come back to church and their son Edison is super excited and bringing his friends over to their house to hear the lessons. The really funny thing is that he has tons of friends from other countries that he just calls by their ethnicity. We are teaching Japanese (Eduardo), Bolivian (Lindomar) and another friend he calls German that we haven´t met yet. He is way funny and his mom makes super good bread. It helps me think of home! Mmmmmmm.
But now for the mind-blowing crazy news. All good things come to an end, including my time in Ala Independência (in the Independence ward). As of today I have been transferred back to Londrina to the ward of the Assistant, which means that I am..... an assistant. (Shocked silence) ...... BaaaAAaH! What?! I came to the mission office today not knowing anything about why, and President had me look at the transfers board to find my new place. I began looking way down at the bottom at the District leaders and normal people just excited to find out my new area, but it wasn’t there. Next I looked at the Zone leaders. Nada. My next thought: Oh no. Hahaha! So as of now I´ve got some serious preparing studying and praying to get doing. Tomorrow I have to give a welcome training for all the new missionaries coming in. I am going to be traveling around the entire mission just helping people out in their areas. Basically I am just losing my mind right now, but I know that God has a plan and with fasting and prayer everything will be alright.
So, about you all! That is way awesome that Elder L. Tom Perry came to our Stake! I haven´t seen an apostle since the MTC, but I guess we don´t always have to see to believe. I really like those points that he talked about. It really is important to have personal values that will help out the country. Congratulations to Sharon for passing all of her classes! She is the best little sister ever. I will be praying for her to get into dance team. I am praying for you ever single night and day. I love you so much and I pray the best for you.
I know that Christ is the Savior and that he lives and loves us. I know He has the power to overcome our weaknesses and struggles and that through His Gospel we can be so blessed.
I will send some sweet pictures next week. Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me. One more time I love you both very much.
-Elder Markham
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