November 22, 2010
Bom dia!
Thank you for the letter and the pictures! Mom, you are looking so much better every time I see a picture of you! I´m so happy that the Lord is blessing our family so very much. That is great news that you can stop using cytoxin! Keep up the good work for sure. I actually kind of miss the snow. I prefer cold to really hot. It’s been bem quente aqui no Cambé. Mostly the humidity is killing me, but it’s all good. I love how here in Brazil they have tons of little family stores on every corner and you can just stop in and buy water or soda or ice cream or whatever. It’s very awesome. This will be my first Christmas that isn’t cold. How very strange. I was thinking about Thanksgiving too and how great it always is to spend with the family. I love watching those movies after dinner! How was the Harry Potter by the way? I´m vaguely interested. The one problem I am having right now is with my orthotics. They are giving my pretty bad blisters and today a visited a doctor here about it and he said that it is really strange that they are made of the really hard plastic that they are. We are going to try and get some new ones made out of this foam, but I hope that they aren´t really expensive... vamos ver. Hooray that BYU is sort of pulling out of their slump too! Go cougars. One thing I forgot to write last week is that was Joy’s birthday. I don´t know how often you and Sharon hear from any of them, but if you see her tell her happy birthday and that she should receive quite the letter from Elder De Souza! This week was pretty good. The sisters in our district had a super week with 3 baptisms! Our investigators are having some problems at the moment, but we found a really great new family this week and of course we are going to continue working with all of them. Keep praying for us! It’s been raining a lot lately which is nice because it keeps down the heat. Hmmm. Que mais? I can´t really think of too much more to relate and I´m also really hungry right now so the natural man might win out over a long letter..... I would however like to share my testimony that I know the church is true. I know that GOD knows and loves each one of us individually and He will do anything righteous to help us. I know we have a living Prophet and true scriptures and that the Atonement of Christ gives us the power to become everything we can possibly be. I love the gospel and I am thankful for this opportunity to be serving here. Keep praying for me and my companion!
Love you so very much Momma! I will try to think of a good story for next week. I´ll be praying for you!
Elder Markham
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